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Cloudy With A Chance Of Dumplings!

rain 25 °C
View Euro trip 2013 on travellinglise's travel map.

"In a blade of grass, a single tree, a spring and a rock, one sees the aura of depth and quietness, and the rich spirit of ancient times" - Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty

Foodie moment

Our first try of the famous HK street food. Satay beef balls and mystery dumplings, don't ask, don't tell....! Went down a treat after an exhausting walk through the Mong Kok market. Just $2.50 AU


Cultural moment

Some cities have a Starbucks on every corner, others a McDonalds, in Kowloon its Lukfook everywhere you look! A shiny jewellery shop targeted at the 1% upper class. This doesn't mean there aren't lines of customer spilling out of the doors to get a look though! $10,000 for a necklace? Sure next time ill bring my Amex!


Wow moment

Hidden within the concrete jungle of Hong Kong is a perfect example of a traditional Chinese landscape, the Nan Lian Garden. Peaceful and breathtakingly beautiful, the attention to detail is amazing, bonsai trees everywhere and even the grass looks like it has been manicured one blade at a time! According to the guide even the Koi fish are "...enjoying active movements in quiet and peace..."


Adjoining the Nan Lian Garden is the Chi Lin Nunnery. Beautiful wooden architecture and so incredibly serene, especially considering it's surrounded by busy roads. The golden Buddhas were impressive and we hope some of their blessings for good "health", "wealth" and "wisdom" rubbed off on us.


What we learnt today

Hong Kong knows how to do public transport. I always knew Melbourne transit was sub-par, but after experiencing the MTR, I now know just how far behind we are. Two minutes between each train, pristine platforms, light up neon maps on-board, express trains directly to the airport and direct destination tickets make getting around to any part of Hong Kong a breeeeeezze and cheap as chips ($3 AU total for both of us all day)!


Oh yeah, another important lesson learnt, always carry an umbrella in monsoon season!

Posted by travellinglise 02:32 Archived in Hong Kong Tagged mtr nan_lian_garden chi_lin_nunnery mong_kok_market

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