A Travellerspoint blog

'Meet the Fosters' in London

overcast 16 °C

Please Mind the Gap!


Foodie moment

We felt like a quiet night in so hit up the local Tescos for some food. In England, there is a massive range of ready made meals in the supermarkets which are really well priced. Tonight's meal was an example of that, bags of ready made Indian food - each bag containing a container of rice, naan and 2 curries - 3 bags for the price of 2 which came to only 12 pounds! Plus we only got through half of it!


Cultural moment

The underground subway system, 'The Tube', may be one of London's most iconic features, but the people that use it daily see it as simply a way to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible. This means storm walking along platforms and escalators, pushing people out of the way and cutting in front of ticket gates and elevators. Don't even think about standing still on an escalator on the left hand side! As much as you try to stay out of peoples way, you may still find yourself accidentally blocking people from the way they want to go, potentially delaying them a second or two, oh golly gosh oh my!


Wow moment

The National History Museum is an amazing, informative FREE museum housed in one of the most architectural beautiful buildings I have seen, it almost distracts you from the exhibitions. It has a fantastic display of dinosaurs, including a life size moving T-rex. There is also a room full of models of some of the largest mammals in the world, including a massive Blue whale (something i still remember from when I visited when I was 7!)


What we learnt today

The location of the UEFA Champions League Final of the soccer is pre-decided, long before the teams have been determined. This means that this year (today) it was played in London even though it was 2 German teams competing for the title!! Great for London tourism, but I wouldn't have been so pumped to travel across Europe to see my team play another team from my country!!

Posted by travellinglise 08:17 Archived in England Tagged london museum underground natural_history_museum

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